Star Wars general topic: Book of Boba Fett discussion

Board 8

Seeing a lot of complaints for this episode but I really liked it? I mean it's no ep2 but easily more entertaining than the first, and it's finally pulling the flashbacks with present day for a proper antagonist force. Pykes are definitely the ones responsible for murdering the Tuskens, and now they're clearly the big guns moving in on Tatooine - which I'm all hyped to finally see Pykes portrayed as threatening, since so far throughout Star Wars shows they're talked up big but never show it well.

Boba waking up from his bacta tank to a Black K attack I loved, they've been showing Boba wake up peacefully so often I've just been so conditioned think all is well but then bam WOOKIE. I've seen complaints on the cybernetics gang being a buncha 2000s biker teens, and yeah their design isn't great but I like Boba settling the dispute with the water farmer gouging prices.

lmfao Danny Trejo is in Star Wars hell yes
I request affiliated many pipes.
Been a bad girl, I know I am. And I'm so hot, I need a fan. I don't want a boy, I need a man.