To gain +3 to inspiration, BCT plays Tales of Berseria. *spoilers as I go*

Board 8

Here we go. As Velvet, I manage to be a zombie wrecking ball in a horde encounter by constantly spamming Break Souls and Mystics. It works because they're easily dazed. I light a torch to open a door but don't get the Zelda "the path is open / chest is revealed" sound effect like I expect to. Darn!

I end up in a 1-on-1 between Rokurou and Shigure, where I'm supposed to be surprised about what the game already spoiled for me. Shigure is your cliche Japanese super-saiyan samurai with an attitude to match. He's already taken down Kurogane - the Swordbreaker - and he seems to think that Eleanor has betrayed the Abbey and threatens her. Even though it was Laphicet hijacking her body... I can already see her start to turn, since she's covering for him a bit later on. Shigure's malak is Morgrim, a cat that looks like a Rollo rip-off, but her powers are unclear because Shigure packs a punch with a sword. Bienfu seems to think Morgrim is a lazy, chubby cat.... that he has a crush on. Velvet doesn't care that she's a she. If you gotta kill, you gotta kill.

Soaring Dragon is pretty awesome btw.

I hit a good endpoint - before talking to Kurogane (who I also presume is Japanese for obvious reasons). I kind of don't have time. Still made some headway.
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