To gain +3 to inspiration, BCT plays Tales of Berseria. *spoilers as I go*

Board 8

I enter the capital and get this LOADED skit where Eizen learns about the encounter with Eleanor - and that she's troubled by Artorius sacrificing one for the good of many (I think she sees herself as expendable... also she kinda reminds me of Niko from earlier in the game, hmm...), that's quickly followed by talk of Bienfu actually being a malak... Magilou's malak... and that she was either a fraud or kicked out of the Abbey. This is followed by Rokurou doing an impression, and Laphicet... becomes laugh-i-cet!?

...I'm sorry.

The next skit says that Artorius may be commanding a god. Because I've played way too many JRPGs, this means there's a good chance we kill Artorius halfway through the game and have to fight this "Fifth Empyrean" thing as the final boss. It could also be a total throwaway planted there for people like me who overthink every word. Velvet is like this also with Artorius's speech. She's overthinking it for vile intentions, which clearly do exist. It may just be something simple.

I do a bunch of weapon synthesis, play the restaurant mini-game as Rokurou and eke out a win, and then take on the Missing Scholar request. Velvet thinks there's a lot more to it than they're telling, but she's not going to ask questions. Get shit done, ask questions later... if they still matter, anyway. I need to be more like that.

The game points out a "Code Red Daemon" to me along the way, and it turns out he's actually pretty weak! I have had more difficulty with horde battles than I did with this guy. He goes down like a chump. Skit afterwards gives Rokurou some character development: His ancestor was a samurai who came from Japan... somehow... to this land and brought the bushido code with him. The Rangetsu clan lives and dies by their honor and their blade. When Velvet told him where his sword was, he owed her a great debt, and he's a man of his word. He'll even DIE for such a thing - and four of his older brothers are dead from doing just that. The fifth one is someone I can assume we'll be meeting, yes?

Anyway, I stop there for the night. I'll play some more tomorrow though IDK how much just yet. I won't have too much time to dedicate to this for the next week for obvious reasons. Gotta wonder if Artorius sees himself as Jesus...
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