To gain +3 to inspiration, BCT plays Tales of Berseria. *spoilers as I go*

Board 8

I made it to Loegres without a Dire Foe encounter tempting me, and was immediately treated to more Magilou hilarity: Improvisational lying. Because I still had the Normin suits on for lulz, this scene was even better . They all look like they're performers in those! And it sells so well with Magilou here. Velvet going "Coo coo" was amazing since, well, I couldn't see her face... or Magilou's given how the textures of the head got in the way. But since I haven't experienced the game as normal, I revert back to the regular costumes for the time being. There are bound to be scenes in this city that they'd interfere with, and would only be hilarious if I knew them for the serious things they are.

As expected, the people of Loegres are up Artorius's butt, and they're also informing me about fellow villain Prince Percival, who I undoubtedly will get to kill later. These assholes are ruling the land in peace for the sake of glorifying themselves, though I can't be sure Percival knows that Artorius created the daemonblight just to make himself the hero by ending it. The city also boasts extreme xenophobia, and unlike where I live, it's not something hidden beneath the surface - the guards are very open that they'll kill anyone who doesn't "fit with the image." So I naturally hate this place, much like I hate where I live now. Velvet is just as quick to, even though she's not completely sure what "the Abbey" even is - just the extremists led by Artorius who people think are the saviors when they're really the villains. Gotta wonder what'll happen when these people see the truth.

Exploring and smithing yadda yadda yadda... (the army buys from this shop? Am I supposed to be impressed?) What DOES impress me is the castle - yup, this is the heart of an empire, and I am here to cause it to crumble. The empire, not the castle, because the powers that be are corrupt and fraudulent. Artorius's speech makes me ill - this reeks of "Catholic Church" IRL. The others are stunned that Velvet would want to kill the pope, and I don't blame her - but he's a villain. Oddly, Velvet is so focused on her brother's murder - Laphicet #2 is confused - that she forgets the even worse things Artorius did. He killed Celica (and HIS UNBORN CHILD inside her) to CAUSE the Opening (does Velvet not know that? Didn't she see it and connect the dots?). He is brainwashing everyone into being the sheeple that they are. And he is extremely pro-slavery. In all senses of the word, he's an awful human being, not a hero. The idiots are all talking about how "historic" this day is (that word is meaningless; EVERYTHING is "historic" these days, no matter how infinitesimal). One guy is at least doubting him, but doesn't think he's in it for power or money. This is why I'm sure it's glory.

Rokurou hasn't seen his target. Magilou goes off to find hers. It seems like each of the playable characters is tied to one of the antagonists in some way - a good thing, seeing as the last time that happened was Abyss. Velvet is tied to Artorius. Rokurou to his guy (Melchior, was it?). Laphicet to Villain Teresa. Eizen to Aifread (JUST A HUNCH THERE). Magilou to IDK yet. And... I still don't know if Eleanor is the 6th party member like I thought I saw or if she's a henchwoman, but she's one-half of the equation.

Most of the stuff around town is just morons (i.e. people who think donating money to the church will grant them salvation) but I get this absolute GEM at the cathedral (beautiful place btw... complete with Ganondorf music) where Velvet accuses this old bat priest for "gawking" at her corset for making a judgmental comment about her being full of sin based on how she dresses The priest forces Velvet to confess her sins... and Velvet recaps the entire game so far and the priest is HORRIFIED. I am laughing and cheering at the same time. GO VELVET! What a freakin' BOSS.

I go to the tavern and... the lady in charge makes a very bold statement saying that Velvet's brother died before her eyes. This explains a lot to Laphicet #2, who was enjoying the mabo curry (never tried that - being a nerd, the only curry I make for myself is Persona 5's LeBlanc Curry, and yes the recipe exists). I take on the first job - why not go in order? (the "Magilou's Menagerie" made me chuckle) - and then... we get a Rokurou and Eizen drinking scene. CALLED IT! Good conversation here. They bond over whiskey and talk about Velvet's folly and where she gets the intense stubbornness and passion that's driving her. Aifread's apparently the same way. Can't wait to meet him, but we'll see if he's even on our side... or if he'll even be in this one or simply mentioned. Varies by the Tales.

After doing the serving mini-game for Laphicet and Velvet - it's quite easy and thankfully didn't give me Dahngrest flashbacks - I leave town and get the sidequest about the Gigantos of this one. Got it. Can get intel from towns and such about a target and get rewarded when I kill the thing. Should be pretty easy to do another 20 hours into the game tbh. I don't bother with the warp bottles - no need for one here - and ensure everyone is Level 17 before reentering the port. I fully expect these red crates to be... incendiary.

I get 1200 gald in the port for defeating that big bat earlier that I just went up and killed relatively easily (just using a couple items IIRC), then go set fire to the warehouse. I get caught red-handed by Henchwoman Eleanor, and subsequently beat the stuffing out of her, killing her two malakhim and... oddly sparing her. She summons a mascot character... and then Magilou appears out of nowhere to threaten it as the "traitor" she's after. I... don't know if that's a malak or a Morgana clone, but there you go. Not quite sure what it did, but at the very sight of Magilou, it turns tail and RUNS. I'll probably have to kill it later, seeing as we "witchnapped" Magilou to prevent the issue from getting worse. The storehouse apparently contained medicinal nectar that the Abbey was going to distribute to doctors, but something tells me that's a lie. I'd guess the Abbey was, in reality, using that nectar for something more nefarious that they could blame on daemons and control people on the other continents. Karen gets stuck on firefighting duty. "It's your fault I'm a wimp!!" POOR BABY! People like her piss me off, projecting their insecurities onto other people instead of trying to understand the other side of a situation. Instead of trying to figure out another perspective, she just makes assumptions.

I get back to Doegres and stop for the night right outside. The caravan has dispersed, at least. Seems like the sheep headed back to the barn. Speaking of sheep... time to count 'em. Good night~
BlueCrystalTear | You're living your own life. You're you.
#FearTheDeer | ((FREE HUGS))