To gain +3 to inspiration, BCT plays Tales of Berseria. *spoilers as I go*

Board 8

I go through the cave for a little and Eizen officially joins the party... for now. He warns us about some "Reaper's Curse" and Velvet thinks it's hogwash. "If it lands on tails, I'll flip it to heads myself." I like the way she thinks. Questions everything, trusts nobody, and doesn't give a fuck. AND she likes watermelon. All that said, the depressive symptoms are all too relatable, and I hope she finds reasons to enjoy life again. I know that'll be hard after Artorius ruined everything but we'll see.

It doesn't take long after getting a full party of 4 that I get ambushed by my first Dire Foe. This fight is, suffice to say, rough, but doable, especially since it happened right after I'd changed the difficulty to Hard. I go through four Life Bottles that I'd thankfully went back to buy, and am told that the same foe will gain strength each time I encounter it, and I should run if conditions are not favorable. It's not like me to run from a battle unless it's blatantly unwinnable, but I'll keep that in mind.

The game also gives me tutorials that refer to Number Two as "Laphicet" so Velvet's clearly going to rename him, because let's face it: Villain Teresa is cruel and heartless and treats everybody as disposable except for her baby brother. I can't wait to kill her later. I gotta wonder if there's significance to the resemblance between Number Two and the Laphi from the past... because it wouldn't surprise me if Artorius's pawn ended up becoming a malak that he gave to one of his trusted lieutenants. I still don't quite understand malaks and how they work and it kinda feels like the game expected me to from the start. Odd. After the kid is nearly killed by a scorpion since he didn't say anything, taking Velvet's "keep your mouth shut" too seriously, Eizen does say that this is the first time he's seen a Malak escape an exorcist... and that his will has been sealed away so he's a blank slate free of personality. This confirms that Artorius and Teresa are horrible people, and that malaks really shouldn't exist as tools. They should be treated just the same as humans. "Slavery" is the word that comes to mind. It's awful. Artorius will certainly NOT go down in history as the hero he's seen as right now, that's for sure.

Next scene is at the end of the cave, before getting to the Fortress (where I presume I'll have to fight a henchman like Oscar or Eleanor) when a Turtlez - the voice does not match He/She/It AT ALL - is there and, well... Velvet basically threatens him into giving her market prices. It's glorious. Anyway, I spend way too long getting rid of excess weapons/armor and synthesizing improvements. I think it's called "being overprepared." Even Rokurou (his name is "Sixth Son" and I totally should've picked up on the "Roku" part there) is frightened. Applehead is shocked at the prospect of getting a name. This poor kid has been so abused he's never even had an identity. That's a fascinating character story waiting to happen and I'm excited to see where it goes.

I take down another of the same Dire Foe despite everyone only having one Soul to battle with... except for Velvet after a miraculous stun, and BOY did I use that to great effect. Not much else to report here aside from a blatant Tales of Phantasia reference (I haven't played that... or Zestiria, which is set in this same world, for that matter, because of all the bad things I heard about that one). Anyway, after seeing that I have to take the back way in and taking out a couple of Lizardfolk daemon soldiers, I decide it's a good place to stop for the night. Not really much happened outside of battles so I tried to keep this interesting.

Question is - do you guys prefer this or would you rather these be shorter? Just curious.
BlueCrystalTear | GNT BB4 Winner, Winner Chicken Dinner
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