To gain +3 to inspiration, BCT plays Tales of Berseria. *spoilers as I go*

Board 8

I did try playing as Rokurou and he felt clunky to me. Velvet is more fluid and drawn-out. I'll try Applehead but he doesn't seem too fun since, well, he's a straight-up spellcaster at this point. That may change later. Tear is fun as fuck to play as when you change gears multiple times per battle and Rita is also insanely wild, but IDK if this kid has those traits just yet. Magilou feels like she might play like Rita but I'll know it when I see it.
BlueCrystalTear | GNT BB4 Winner, Winner Chicken Dinner
#FearTheDeer | [For lease] | ((FREE HUGS)) | You're living your own life. You're you.