To gain +3 to inspiration, BCT plays Tales of Berseria. *spoilers as I go*

Board 8

Just playing for a little right now.

I take care of a little selling weapons - they're not worth anything, which explains a lot - and the inn. I hear from a villager that the Abbey sends nonbelievers and people branded as criminals to villages like this one because they don't care to protect them, and anyone who knows that the Abbey is full of shit comes here on their own. Interesting. Should be pretty blatant that the Abbey is dictatorial from that alone

I learn about cooking - kinda, since I don't know what "Stun -10%" has to do with cooking (does that reduce the rate at which I stun enemies, or the rate at which they stun me, or something else?) - and Velvet hasn't missed a beat. She can't taste anything, however, because of daemonblight. Fucking Artorius.

I button-mash through a bunch of weak, redundant enemies... until I meet the Bat Baron, who gives me quite a few problems. Thankfully, he's weak to Break Souls, so I whip all those out to pummel him. Still costs me some items, but no biggie.

Velvet won't admit that Artorius taught her. Don't blame her, since she's gonna kill him. Rokurou still won't explain about his big ol' sword, either. Rokurou is a drunk - and being a daemon doesn't help matters. I would advise he wean his intake downward...

Break Souls are a little to abusable at this point. I'm using them a LOT to, y'know, beat the crap out of stuff. And then they die so there's really no downside. Ah well. I'm hopeful this will get more complex as I go.

At any rate, I really gotta get going, so I'll catch y'all later!
BlueCrystalTear | GNT BB4 Winner, Winner Chicken Dinner
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