To gain +3 to inspiration, BCT plays Tales of Berseria. *spoilers as I go*

Board 8

Guys, I havent been gaming much, and I think thats negatively impacting my inspiration to continue with many things, including the triple rankdown topic (which I only realized had purged yesterday - whoops - but I know how to get back anything I didn't save). So thats why Im forcing myself, in hopes that this will get me out of this rut, and asking you guys to hold me accountable. If all goes well

So yeah, I appreciate the help, as well as any comments. I wanna know that people are reading this.

For a heads up, I started on Saturday, and my opening write-up is going to overlap those two sessions.

Playing on Moderate, by the way.

Write-up in next post (it's already done). If you're not familiar with one or more of my in-jokes, feel free to ask.

BlueCrystalTear | You're living your own life. You're you.
#FearTheDeer | ((FREE HUGS))