Started a Shining Pearl Nuzlocke...

Board 8

Big update today.

Got my team to level 45 underground and went to fight Candice. She's an Ice-type gym leader, so it wasn't like she was tough. Honestly, the most irritating part about her gym was how there are only TWO goddamn Ice-type lines in Sinnoh, so her gym trainers all had random Pokemon. And then the sliding puzzle was annoying too. All to give me an EXTREMELY mediocre gym battle that I aced. Boo. Anyway, beating her gave me access to Lake Acuity, which allowed me to travel there and FINALLY catch one of those two Ice-types I mentioned. A level 35 Sneasel (named Dani). Dani got to hold a Lucky Egg while I kicked Team Galatic's ass in their own HQ, and eventually I made it through their Veilstone building to advance to the next stage of the game. I should point out that along the way, Shay evolved into Garchomp, and I got a Dusk Stone to evolve Hermes into Mismagius.

Almost caught up with my Diamond Version, I went around and dealt with all the Rock Climb stuff that became available, and then fought my way through Mt. Coronet, beating on Galactic goons until reaching the top of Spear Pillar. I was already worried, because there's a decent leap in difficulty from Candice to the trio of fights atop Spear Pillar, but I pushed forward. I nearly died multiple times over to the tagteam of Mars & Jupiter, even with Brennus' useless Munchlax contributing NOTHING to the fight. I had to wait for his Munchlax AND Staraptor to die before he actually accomplished anything. Then I fought Cyrus, and HE nearly overwhelmed me too. Same deal as the previous fight; my whole team was in the yellow or red by the end, but they survived.

Here's where things took a turn. I swapped out my team, since my original plan was to just throw a Master Ball at Palkia and catch it without issue. BUUUUUUT, I thought that wouldn't be much fun, since this is a Nuzlocke and all, and I can't always just play it completely safe. Plus, I wanted to save my Master Ball, since I knew the three Pixies all counted as their own caves and I could catch all three in theory...which meant like hell am I chasing Mesprit all over Sinnoh. So, the fight commenced. I figured I could send out Reynold for an intimidate stat decrease, then Volt Switch out to Violeta, and keep doing that until Palkia's attack was way down. Spacial Rend attacked first and critted, wiping Reynold out in a single hit. Then after a few Ancient Powers beat Violeta down a bit, I sent in Yasmin, who was promptly critted by another Spacial Rend. And then Hermes NEARLY got OHKOed by ANOTHER Spacial Rend crit. I kept healing him up, and eventually he waited out the 5 Spacial Rends and 5 Ancient Powers, and then Palkia only had Slash and couldn't hit me.

You would think, with Palkia down low and unable to hit me, I'd be free and clear, right? Well, he had Aqua Ring to constantly undo any damage I tried to inflict, and none of my Thunderbolts paralyzed him. So I just kept throwing ball after ball after ball. Nothing stuck. The battle went on so long that he Struggled himself to death. Yeah, that happened. And fuck that; I need Palkia for my Diamond version. So I restarted at that point, keeping in mind that the two team deaths were canon, and even if/when I caught Palkia, it would also be canonically dead. Second time around, the fight went off without a hitch, and Palkia was caught without further casualties. Still... RIP Reynold (Level 29 to 45) . RIP Yasmin (Level 36 to 46) .

With Palkia done, I went around and started collecting the legendary trio. I'd like to state, on the record, that Sinnoh's legendary trio is easily the worst legendary trio the game has ever produced. They're generic as fuck and boring as fuck monotypes that are all the SAME monotype. Went to fight Mesprit and it ran off. I'd deal with it later. Then went to Uxie. Used Dani, and none of its Psychic-type attacks could hit her, so I was golden. Got Uxie's HP low and started throwing balls. 50 balls later, it struggled itself to death. Again, fuck that. I'm going to catch that bitch in case I ever decide to turn the save file into something other than a Nuzlocke. So I fought it again. 50 balls, Struggle to death. Again. 50 balls, struggle to death. It took me FOUR goddamn tries to catch Uxie, all to go immediately into my Nuzlocke graveyard. Jesus Christ.

Next was Azelf, and it was more of the same. I decided to bring Jackson along in hopes that Force Palm might paralyze it, and it did. Then I switched to Dani and took no damage for the rest of the fight. Now, at this point, Azelf is paralyzed, and thus misses attacks every so often. I threw 100 Dusk/Timer/Ultra balls at that motherfucker. It's paralyzed and it broke out EVERY time. And then it struggled and killed itself. Fucking...fuck. I tried a few more times and killed it outright before FINALLY making the catch after 20 Dusk Balls and no paralysis. All to go directly into the graveyard with its sister.

That catch JUST happened as I typed this up, which meant it's now nighttime. And since Lake Valor is now open as a zone, I surfed over and searched for the ONLY new Pokemon in this area I can catch. I found and caught a level 36 Noctowl (named Eileen). With Eileen given the Lucky Egg to hold, it's time to go hunting for Mesprit, to add that little bastard to my team. Now, I was gonna catch it wherever and just count it as a catch from its cave, but then I realized that I'd still never caught anything on route 215, so why not just catch it there and keep everything nice and fair. I did just that and caught a level 50 Mesprit on Route 215 (named Flora, since it's the red one of the trio). Not sure if I'll actually use it, but we'll see.

With that, all I have left to do is continue with the story and move onto route 222. I'm going to hold off on that until tomorrow though, because I'd really like to at least have a CHANCE at catching something besides Gastrodon. I could get Glameow or Purugly, sure, but I'd at least like a SHOT at catching Chatot.
Touch fuzzy. Get fuzzier.