Started a Shining Pearl Nuzlocke...

Board 8

Addendum: traveled to the Trophy Garden and caught a level 19 Pikachu (named Ashley). IMMEDIATELY Thunderstoned her into a Raichu, since apparentl I can buy Thunderbolt for only 3k in Veilstone. No more waiting to evolve for THAT stone evo. I head to the Move Tutor to check on a few moves for Raichu, and apparently I've bought enough old moves that he's no longer going to charge me Heart Scales. Fuck yeah! And finally, I realized I can fish in Pastoria, and seeing as how they've been a massive pain in the ass to battle in the past few routes, I thought I'd fish up a Magikarp to evolve into Gyarados. Turns out Pastoria City also had a level 15 Remoraid (named Barbara).

Anyway, having collected all of these new Pokemon (and I'm pretty sure that aside from route 210 and route 211, I've gotten something from every area possible). I went training and clearing out the trainers from route 214 to route 212. Along the way, Louisa evolved into Pelipper, and Amelia evolved into Quagsire. However, tragedy struck as I hit up the restaurant attached to the Lake Valor Hotel. I'd had some close calls with the double battles in there, but I got cocky in a double battle against a Sudowoodo and a Bonsly. Barbara blasted the Bonsly with Bubblebeam, as she does, but the little bastard had Sturdy, so it survived with a single hit point. Meanwhile, Ashley Thunderpunched the Sudowoodo for average damage. Then the other team got to attack. Sudowoodo critted Ashley with a Stone Edge for a KO, and the little bastard Bonsly used Flail, taking advantage of having his whole HP pool depleted, to KO Barbara. I finished them both off, and their Pichu back-up, but that's still two more for the kill list...including yet another of the region's already-limited Electric-types. RIP Ashley (Level 19-23) and RIP Barbara (Level 15-20) . I am...pissed about Ashley, especially with Crasher Wake's Gyarados coming up in the near future.
Touch fuzzy. Get fuzzier.