Started a Shining Pearl Nuzlocke...

Board 8

So after leveling for a while (just to get Percy up to par with the rest of the team), Nicholas evolved into Chimecho, and I'm ready to fight Gardenia. Gym Team:

Chase (Ponyta, Lv. 23)
Edgar (Staravia, Lv. 23)
Lucas (Dustox, Lv. 23)
Roberto (Kricketune, Lv. 23)
Sumara (Crobat, Lv. 23)
Percy (Shieldon, Lv. 22)

Gym wasn't even remotely difficult, since none of the Pokemon could do any kind of reasonable damage to Lucas (4x resistance to Grass will do that). The only hassle was Gardenia's Roserade popping a Sitrus Berry, and then Gardenia using a Super Potion when she was NEVER going to beat me. It just prolonged the fight to annoying levels.

Anyway, with Gardenia defeated, and Cut available, I went back to Old Chateau and nearly killed my one catch of the zone while battling it. But in the end, I now have a level 12 Gastly (named Stephen). With Stephen in tow, I raided Team Galactic HQ, which went smoothly enough with Samantha decimating the weaksauce goons, and switched over to Sylvester (who just recently learned Bulldoze as the only Ground-type move I have ANYWHERE) to take out Jupiter and her Skuntank. Said Skuntank brutalized Sylvester, but after knocking it into the red and ending up in the red myself, I switched over to Rafael to finish the job. No deaths yet!
Touch fuzzy. Get fuzzier.