Started a Shining Pearl Nuzlocke...

Board 8

Two brief updates: first, the person I've been trading version exclusives with needed to evolve his Kadabra, so we did a Kadabra exchange, and now Yuri is an Alakazam. Additionally, I realized that I had access to Mount Coronet, so I went there, and though I was hoping for a Cleffa, I instead got a level 13 Chingling (named Nicholas). Gotta level him for a bit (probably run around the underground to work on boosting his friendship to evolve into Chimecho). I also realized I never went to Oreburgh to convert my Armor Fossil into a Shieldon, so I started going back that way. Along the way, I realized that I never caught anything in Jubilife City, so I used the opportunity to get the Manaphy egg mystery gift. I figure that's something to have around while I'm working on boosting my friendship with Chingling.

So, egg in part, Chingling in party, Golbat still in party (it should hopefully evolve into Crobat with one more level), and then I hit the Oreburgh Mining museum to get a level 1 Shieldon (named Percy). I went into the underground to wander for a bit, and Sumara DID evolve into Crobat after taking down a Houndoom, and then the egg hatched, giving my a level 1 Manaphy (named Tristan, which I'm counting for Jubilife City).

While trying to level my new Pokemon, I had some unfortunate accidents. I was leveling in the Dazzling Cave, fighting Gastlys and Misdreavuses, and when fighting a particular Misdreavus with Cecilia, the Misdreavus managed to pull a Destiny Bond right before an OHKO from Bite. That killed Cecilia. RIP Cecilia (Level 4-21) . Meanwhile, I went to fight Onixes, since I have a ton of Water-types, and unfortunately, Sally ran afoul of a fight-hit combo from Rock Blast. RIP Sally (7-21) . Still trying to level, but taking a break, since I want to get Nicholas evolution-ready before level 22, and that means a lot of walking around. A lot more than I want to right now.
Touch fuzzy. Get fuzzier.