Started a Shining Pearl Nuzlocke...

Board 8

Alright, slowly leveling more dudes. First and foremost, Roberto hit level 10 and is not a Kricketune. Additionally, I've reached Oreburgh Gate, where I caught a level 5 Geodude (named Sylvester). Sylvester soloed a level 7 Shinx shortly after his capture, and then it's time for Oreburgh City! I've also moved Yuri to the front of the party to level faster, since he has literally zero moves until he evolves at level 16. Meanwhile, Sumara is leveling very slowly due to being just SLIGHTLY more useful than Yuri, which is problematic. Those two are gonna hang around my team for a lot longer than I want, unfortunately. Still, time for bed since my Switch's battery is running out, so I guess we're finishing with most of the team at level 11, and I'm going to have to decide who my gym team is going to be, shortly.

At the moment, there isn't a lot of suspense to this Nuzlocke, since there are so few Pokemon that I've gotten something from every route thus far (minus using the old rod on route 218 to catch a Magikarp, because that's a pain in the ass on top of Abra and Zubat), and I'm only missing two potential Pokemon right now: Budew and Psyduck. The game opens up more for sure in the coming route though, so we'll get more stuff soon, and some actual action, more than likely.
Touch fuzzy. Get fuzzier.