Does anyone else not notice 5G phone speed?

Board 8

Board 8 » Does anyone else not notice 5G phone speed?
Or whatever its called. I got the new iPhone when it came out several months ago or whenever, and was told that where I live doesnt have 5G yet. So I guess Im still waiting. But I havent heard anyone say good things about it, at least not to the degree that they make it seem like on TV. What say you?
AFAIK, the upgrade from 4G-LTE to 5G isn't much unless you stream video via data or download larger files. With audio, shorter videos, and webpages, either is a HUGE upgrade from the days of 3G.
BlueCrystalTear | GNT BB4 Winner, Winner Chicken Dinner
#FearTheDeer | [For lease] | ((FREE HUGS)) | You're living your own life. You're you.
I thought it was an improvement in speed and it seems easier to get signal inside buildings.
"God Hand is the ultimate expression of the joy of humanity, specifically the punching part of the joy of humanity."-Shigeru Miyamoto
Most currently existing "5G" networks aren't really 5G - the hype cycle on the ridiculous speeds it will eventually provide started insanely early and is disingenuously advertised. The infrastructure straight up isn't there and probably still won't be for years before we start seeing the advertised speeds on any kind of widespread and practical level.
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Thats what I thought, based on my experience.
I think the range on 5G is lot smaller and more easily blocked. So the places where you get the increased speeds are pretty small.

If anything I've noticed worse signal since the implementation of 5G. Areas where I used to get good signal on 4G I now get spotty signal because phones don't switch between the bands optimally and try use the higher G band even if a lower band is currently better. There's some places I have to now manually toggle it to not use 5G and sometimes 4G in order for my internet to work
Board 8 » Does anyone else not notice 5G phone speed?