help me reboot my bad work laptop?

Board 8

Board 8 » help me reboot my bad work laptop?
hey my dumb new job has me setting up my pc and it stalled in the windows upload and it wont hard shutdown what do
Call IT and make it their problem. If you try to fix it and make it worse it's now your problem.

Edit: wait is this a company laptop or your personal that you are using for work
Window upload? You pxe booting it?

Just pull the battery out and try it again.
Phantom Dust.
"I'll just wait for time to prove me right again." - Vlado
its a company laptop
greengravy294 posted...
its a company laptop
100% do the following then:

RikkuAlmighty posted...
Call IT and make it their problem. If you try to fix it and make it worse it's now your problem.

Edit: wait is this a company laptop or your personal that you are using for work

i got it to reset, i finally hit the 3 hour mark of it stalling, thanks for the help
alright well this piece of junk is probably going straight to IT tomorrow
Day 2 of set up my laptop is a go
Board 8 » help me reboot my bad work laptop?