Politics Containment Topic 376: Pigs in Space

Board 8

HeroDelTiempo17 posted...
If you want to argue that Biden's foreign policy is largely a continuation of Trump's then sure, that's mostly true and the improvements are generally so marginal that I don't really care to argue about them literally being the same. But please stop acting like Trump's was GOOD and Biden is worse.

Im not going to argue Biden is worse in a literal sense, but heres how I see it.

Trumps foreign policy was objectively worse than Obamas, on one hand he was basically just antagonizing other nations depending on his whims, and on the other he was a textbook neocon who broke off peace talks because thats what he does.

Now we have Biden, and he has the opportunity to immediately reverse course and go back to the Obama positions, but hes not.

In regards to Iran, Secretary of State Blinken said that Iran needs to be back in compliance before we even come to the table-despite the fact that every other nation on Earth says Iran was IN compliance when WE broke the deal.

On Cuba, Joe Biden called it a failed state and an authoritarian regime, meanwhile there are massive protests in Colombia where the police are literally gang-raping protesters and its silence (our media is also wildly silent on this compared to Cuba).

This is objectively bad foreign policy, and I dont think its better than Trump is something anyone needs to say, its whataboutism at this point.

I think its worse than Trump is bombast and while technically wrong, is the sort of thing where we were told it would be SOO much better, and its not. Being lied to/disappointed hurts more than getting the shit sandwich you expected, basically.
Phantom Dust.
"I'll just wait for time to prove me right again." - Vlado