Is there any Smash DLC character that won't disappoint the Internet?

Board 8

I don't think Steve is a character people really care about

I realize minecraft is big. I know several people who have played minecraft for over 10 years

Not one of them talks about Steve. You put a creeper assist trophy in and it'd probably appease them more

Terry Bogard on the other hand he's iconic to fighting game fans, but I mean on the whole? Not really. To be clear I wasn't disappointed in the least by Terry Bogard but I completely understand why people were.

Kazuya on the other hand, I'm not sure I even respect as sufficiently iconic to fighting game fans. Tekken is pretty ensemble. He's a significant character but it's not like he's the Ryu of Tekken or anything.
No problem!
This is a cute and pop genocide of love!