playing through Skyrim for the first time in 2021

Board 8

I never do enchanting or smithing, personally. You can make some really broken equipment if you stack the effects of all three together, after making alchemy potions that improve your alchemy, etc, but I never felt like the game was so hard that this was important. In fact, quite the opposite -- the game doesn't directly level with you like Oblivion, but there are things that get more challenging as you level and if you work on the crafting skills and don't get more powerful from them (or any other skill for that matter) it can leave you feeling incredibly challenged. Because they did away with stats in this game, which I thought was an incredibly dumb move, generalists really suffer in Skyrim. That said, an unarmed Khajiit doesn't really use a weapon skill. You just use the one perk in...heavy armor, I think? And it looks like you've already got that covered.

If you're working on alchemy, you could just craft healing potions. I wasn't terribly impressed with restoration in Skyrim. The basic heal is really slow later, and fast healing seemed to blow through mana much faster than it was worth. But I also wasn't playing an actual caster, so I didn't want to invest my level-ups into magicka.

There's no lock-on mechanic, but fight mechanics are pretty basic to begin with. The only thing I miss having something like that for is that a lock-on sometimes helps you find enemies. It's not uncommon in a group to lose one enemy completely and have to go hunting all over to find the red dot. Or simply not be able to fast travel.

How are you playing through the world? The first time I played, I ignored the suggestion to head north and just went from map marker to map marker. I ended up exploring most of the Falkreath area before ever getting to Whiterun. (And then I got all kinds of confused when a certain quest instantly took me to Markarth because I didn't know where anything was or even how to use the wagons outside town.)
Only the exceptions can be exceptional.