Hearthstone Topic - Buffs, Nerfs, and Quilboars! Oh My!

Board 8

Hm how could each class run nzoth

Demon Hunter: Only Inquisitor as a demon, but you get a third one in the deck this way. Can run the deathrattle package since a lot of them have tribal tags

Druid: they have the ramp. They have Guardian Animals, they can run big taunts late like the elementals. Satyr is a demon. Maybe?

Hunter: Rhino or Krush as the Beast, Felmaw as the demon. Tonk as the mech. Theres some value here but why play a late game Hunter

Mage: Solarian Prime or a 8/8 Elemental

Pally: Gryphon, the 6 mana elemental.

Priest: The 6 mana elemental is good. Most of the big dragons are also good. Homunculous is ok but not quite there. Some stuff here

Rogue: ...If Jandice generates you good 5s?

Shaman: Al Akir and Lurker Below I guess? Murlocs kinda suck though

Warlock: You get a 8/8 Tick and the new quill boar in standard decks. Theres some big demons or deck of chaos shenanigans for meme decks if you want too

Warrior: This actually gives some pretty good board control since they have a lot of rush and refill, could fit in rush Warrior but they actually have good options against control.
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