Hearthstone Topic - Buffs, Nerfs, and Quilboars! Oh My!

Board 8

Nerfs are basically as expected.

Mankirk and Crabrider as soon as we knew it was two neutrals and one of them was a murloc.

First day of School from Paladin--admitedly I wasn't expecting the way in which it was nerfed (making 3 1-drops now). Nerf is still gigantic, though, cause you can't FDoS on 1 into Hand of A'dal on 2. Gets cut from aggro decks now; maybe still run in Librams.

Something from mage (could have been incanter's flow, but Refreshing Spring Water works too).

Hysteria was kind-of expected too. Often a full board clear for 3, which...is pretty nutty. Sometimes cleared boards that mass hysteria could not clear, and that's a wild-viable 5 mana clear.

Buffs...the way they teased these they sounded really spicy, and these...mostly aren't actually that spicy.

Xanesh : should have been printed that way, but happy to see the fix.
Razorboar : a bit surprising--deathrattle DH is a solid deck that only really struggles with paladin. Supposedly this is one of its worse performing cards, though.
Unbound Elemental : Yawn. Like...sure, maybe Elemental Shaman runs it now, but it's pretty vanilla.
Tidal Surge : OK, this is pretty spicy, cause the card as an individual card is fine, like one of the highest drawn winrates in control shaman. Maybe this pushes other shaman archetypes to run it, though?
Lilypad Lurker : I expected them to buff it to 4 mana. This...is not quite as big of a buff, but still a decent buff. Medium amounts of spice here.
Fiendish Circle : Yawn
Deck of Chaos : I don't want this card to be playable, cause like...it'll turn into one of those "you win when you draw deck of chaos" decks. Luckily, I don't think much has changed.
Whirling Combatant : Didn't see this one coming. Like...Ravaging Ghoul still makes it into wild Odd Warrior lists. Whirling Combatant is now 1 more mana for 3 more health and a frenzy to whirlwind again? Wow. Yeah, ok I'll give this a little bit of spice level.
Shieldmaiden : Well, shield block went to wild and got replaced by shieldmaiden. Turns out Shieldmaiden is a lot weaker than shield block, so control warrior ceased to exist. Maybe it'll exist now, though. Obviously this makes shieldmaiden very good.
NZoth, God of the Deep : So...a lot of the cards you would want to bring back with N'Zoth cost 10, like darkmoon rabbit and scrapyard colossus. This is a weird choice, not sure what the buff actually changes, other than the fact that you can N'Zoth + Broomstick on the same turn I guess.
Cats land on their feet. Toast lands peanut butter side down. A cat with toast strapped to its back will hover above the ground in a state of quantum indecision