Hearthstone Topic - Buffs, Nerfs, and Quilboars! Oh My!

Board 8

Priest v Priest but my opponent is playing C'thun against my Menagerie so I'm kind of screwed as long as he plays smart. We're each around halfway through our deck and every turn is pretty much both of us sitting on a full hand and trying to figure out which card to sacrifice to the void that is the board, as is only natural in the Priest v Priest match. Then he decided to play Illucia, getting to drop my Pearltusk and play a Gift of Luminance on it. Not a huge loss by any means.

This guy is sitting on two discounted copies of Palm Reading. He clearly knows there's two C'thun spells left in his deck since he's played two and neither of the other is currently in his hand, and after I inevitably pull one and play it he concedes. I have no idea what he expected to get out of my hand that made that risk worth it but I'm shocked he made that play. Grabbed defeat from the jaws of what was likely a 95%+ chance of victory at that point.
Huh? Finger!?
What the hell?