Anyone see Godzilla vs Kong yet? (Spoilers but none in the first post)

Board 8

I really enjoyed it, probably tied with King of the Monsters for me.

This was the best they've done the human stuff, I thought, and that's mainly just because it's paced so well. Yeah, the MBB crew shenanigans is kind of whatever but I never found it actively bad or anything, and I actually enjoyed conspiracy guy. I think he only really made me laugh like once so the humor was definitely "eh" but again, I never felt like it was actively annoying or anything.

I really liked that they didn't tie the human characters to the emotional weight of the movie; they left that for the monsters. Sure, Watanabe had that great scene in KotM but other than that the human stuff always fell flat emotionally in this series. They really got that here. The stuff between Kong and the little girl is great. But they let lesser human characters die with a clear "you know you didn't care about them vibe" that I liked.

So yeah, compared to KotM:

  • Best human stuff in the series imho, mainly due to tighter pacing and not using human characters as the emotional centers of the movie
  • The Mechagodzilla reveal was top tier, even if I predicted everything that would happen in the movie from that point on. Still they executed it well.
  • As always these movies are absolute visual feasts and this may have been the best of the bunch with some really cool cinematography. I can't believe they created the Hollow Earth and didn't have the monsters fight there though.

For King of the Monsters, its pros are:

  • Well, Gidorah is so, so good, and then it has Mothra who is the goddamn MVP. Just in general more monsters is always welcome in these movies,
  • Better soundtrack. I really love that soundtrack.
  • Had the benefit of following the first Godzilla reboot so I had lower expectations in general

For the record, I also enjoyed 2014 Godzilla for what it was, but yeah, these movies have definitely stepped up their game since then.
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