Anyone see Godzilla vs Kong yet? (Spoilers but none in the first post)

Board 8

I liked the first Godzilla, but yeah it's slow. It's not a re-watchable movie imo.

KotM I really liked. Needed a little editing.

As much as the humans can be dumb, they hardly take up screen time during the Godzilla v Kong fights in HK. Round 2 is 3 minutes of really well done monster fighting, and the only humans you get are like 5-10 seconds of the HEAV team flying by Kong and Godzilla during atomic breath attack, which is honestly just an excuse for a cool angle of the fight.

Round 3 is pretty much all monster as well. KotM was cool but they show the people scurrying about while the fight rages, and we just want to see the fight.

MBB crew was totally awful though. Early on there was a stretch where they were bad but at least moved the plot along quickly. The only other thing they did well was that "I really wanted to hear the rest of that speech", that was kinda funny. I'd guess in a theater of 'casuals', those jokes might hit a little better than they do for us. But I mean, Mecha Godzilla with the Ghidorah mind required satellite uplink so it makes sense that some people could mess it up, so, from a distance it was OK that they saved the day. But the whisky stuff is terrible. At least they didnt guess the password correctly!
Donny: Are they gonna hurt us, Walter?
Walter: No, Donny. These men are cowards.