Ranking the TV shows and movies I watched in the year of lockdown

Board 8

Movie 31. Avatar (2009)

I think most people have heard of or seen this one - set on a distant planet, humans clash with the native humanoid creatures as they try to mine its natural resources. A disabled human soldier uses the avatar technology to take control of a genetically engineered Navi body, then becomes sympathetic to the Navi cause.

Finally saw this movie this year on Disney Plus. It's very visually cool and I really liked Signourney Weaver, but it was just a hard watch when the whole time I was disgusted with the white savior storyline. Lots of movies tend to have some sort of white supremacy in them, but this one feels worse because it seemingly tells us that exploiting other cultures is a bad thing while showing us how easy and cool it is to infiltrate another tribe, become better than them at everything they do, and bag their hottest chick. Gross.
yet all azuarc of all sorts are more or less capricious and unreliable - they live in the varying outer weather, and they inhale its fickleness