Hearthstone: New Core Set and an expansion I guess

Board 8

metroid composite posted...
I actually got that achievement like...a day or two before the achievements rotated.

Not because I was trying for it, mind you, I was just completing the win 5 games on ladder in wild since I'd already hit diamond 5 in standard. Played Oh My Yogg to mess with the turn of a Res Priest who was at 1 health but there were various things they could have done to win. They played a 1 mana spell which turned into Dark Posession, dealt 2 damage to their own face.

It's literally the only XP achievement I didn't get, not including the handful I just didn't have the cards for, and I'm still salty about it because I think I spent over 50 hours in February alone trying to get it.

Hell, I finished the first of the three achievements to summon copies of Greybough even though I don't have the card.
Huh? Finger!?
What the hell?