Hearthstone: New Core Set and an expansion I guess

Board 8

Camden posted...
I know I spent the entirety of February throwing games at the Oh My Yogg achievement, but my mmr is seriously confused right now. My last six games over the previous 45 minutes or so.
I actually got that achievement like...a day or two before the achievements rotated.

Not because I was trying for it, mind you, I was just completing the win 5 games on ladder in wild since I'd already hit diamond 5 in standard. Played Oh My Yogg to mess with the turn of a Res Priest who was at 1 health but there were various things they could have done to win. They played a 1 mana spell which turned into Dark Posession, dealt 2 damage to their own face.


Anyway, messed around with classic mode a bit. I wanted to play some of the decks I didn't have cards for in classic mode, like control warrior and Handlock. Some parts of the mode I expected, like running out of cards in hand. But what I ddin't think about is how the burst damage is like...basically wild level burst damage. 4 mana Leeroy, 1 mana Cold Blood, Arcane Golem with charge, 2/1 Leper Gnome. But the healing is...Earthen Ring Farseer. Just Earthen Ring Farseer. I think I need to change my mentality when playing this mode, cause I keep thinking "this is the low power mode" and it's...not. Lost a game cause I, at 29 health, used Faceless Manipulator on a 10/10 Edwin and Slam Executed it, but what I actually needed to do was slam/execute the Edwin, Shield Block, and Armour Up to be at 36 life, cause the Rogue bursted me for 30 next turn.


Wild: we get 30 un-nerfs. Stuff I've messed around with:

Undertaker Hunter with 2 mana Starving Buzzard and 2/1 Leper Gnome: Starving Buzzard is disgusting, especially now that there's Wolpertinger and Alley Cat to potentially draw 4 on turn 4 while developing 6/5 worth of stats. Undertaker...I mean, it's good, but IDK if it justifies running a big deathrattle package. This is the experiment that performed the best, but it's a bit of a boring deck.

Even Paladin seems like it might be legit. I didn't end up playing it myself because I only have one call to arms and didn't reeealy want to craft an epic just in case it turns out to be unplayably bad; I'll wait for a meta report to confirm first. BUT I did lose to it a few times.

Galakrond Shaman...TBH I couldn't make it work, like at all. I did beat a secret mage with it when I curved perfectly into Galakrond on 7, but I think I was like 1-4 with the deck overall. Might just have a bad build, though, other people reported doing alright with (of all things) Odd Galakrond Shaman, so maybe I'm playing the wrong cards.

Bonemare: I tried it in a more value oriented Odd Paladin with Librams. Nope, pretty sure this card is just trash in wild. Just...not on the same level as...well pretty much the only 7 mana cards that see play in wild are board clears, hero cards, or cheat gallons of mana (Psychic Scream, Soul Mirror, Lord Godfrey, Luna's Pocket Galaxy, Lesser Diamond Spellstone, Dr Boom Mad Genius, Malfurion the Pestilent). Bonemare is...just a slightly above curve minion; nothing compared to cards like that. Although...maybe it has a little potential with Shudderwock? Haven't tried that combo yet.
Cats land on their feet. Toast lands peanut butter side down. A cat with toast strapped to its back will hover above the ground in a state of quantum indecision