Hearthstone: New Core Set and an expansion I guess

Board 8

I know I spent the entirety of February throwing games at the Oh My Yogg achievement, but my mmr is seriously confused right now. My last six games over the previous 45 minutes or so.

Stealth/Aggro Rogue
Guy who was playing River Crocolisk and Boulderfist Ogre
Secret Mage
Stealth/Aggro Rogue, but different
Guy who was playing River Crocolisk and Boulderfist Ogre, but different
Murloc Shaman, but literally just things like Murloc Raider

At least decide if I'm trash and need to be playing people who only have basic cards, or if I'm not trash and need a parade of tier one decks. Or better yet, somewhere in the middle where I encounter interesting decks.

The worst part is I feel bad beating the guys with only basic cards and I kind of want to just concede and give them a win... but I also need five ranked wins so misery for them it is I guess.
Huh? Finger!?
What the hell?