How does Mighty No. 9 compare to the worst Mega Man games?

Board 8

Xtlm posted...
First time I heard this to be a meme. Nearly 20 years is a really long meme.
Well I only played it for the first time like two years ago
And I was surprised how it's not as bad as people make it out to be. It's really just...not good, but that's it.
X6 is painful. Every stage makes me internally scream "WHO THE FUCK THOUGH THIS WAS A GOOD IDEA"
Like locations that if you go there without the right equipment you have to suicide, you can't go back or continue
Or those damn donuts
Or reploids being killed prevent you from getting 100%
And the random nature of that teleport stage
And those "curses" or whatever they are called that change the stage hazards
And..just..everything. Everything sucks

X7 is not a good game but it's not a pain in the ass like X6 is.

I don't think it's MUCH worse than MM11 although it is worse
Now THIS is a bad take
Hating on MM11? what is wrong with you