Board 8 #sports Discord Ranks Their Top 100 Video Games Finale: THE TOP 10

Board 8

heh I hated case 3-6 in the beginning too. I had to re-acquaint myself with Danganronopa as a different thing than what I thought it was. Now I'm fine with it but it's still not really what I signed up for lol

I'm sad that Angie is so unpopular. She's such an in interesting character but so many people get turned off by the Atua thing. Her auditory hallucinations are a real part of her character, not just a dumb speech gimmick. Atua's voice is why she's so absolutely confident in all of her actions, and why she doesn't care what anyone else thinks, and why she's so ready to accept whatever happens.

She's a great antagonist in chapter 3 because she has pure intentions and acts completely honestly, but her values are incompatible with Shuichi's. Shuichi is willing to risk death in order to escape the school, but Angie values survival over freedom.
Also because of Angie we get some insight into the other characters. It's interesting that for Gonta, God is a gentle grandmother but for Himiko it's some hot guy. Every character either joins the student council or chooses to reject them. The robot finds religion. That's interesting.
She did achieve a happier ending than most of the cast. 3 survived, 1 went out on their own terms, and almost everyone else had unpleasant final moments. But Angie lived a stress-free life and died painlessly in the middle of an art project. Maybe she had a point.
Neato, an account