Board 8 #sports Discord Ranks Their Top 100 Video Games Finale: THE TOP 10

Board 8

Lets go over the various ways V3 improves on DR2. The cast is a more cohesive unit. In DR1, there were a select few who drove every class trial, and they all had a set role to play. The characters themselves arent good, but they all at least played off each other fairly well. DR2 had better characters, but they all just kinda existed in their own universe. Again, two or three characters drove the story and everyone else just kinda interjected with their own gimmick every now and then. For the first time in the series, V3 is able to both deliver some very well-written characters, AND make every single one of them important to the overall game. Plus, they all actively contribute to the trials, which is honestly really cool to see. All 16 students have their own time to shine over the course of the game. I couldnt point to a single cast member and say with conviction, this game couldve done better than them. Like, yeah, obviously I like some characters more than others, but they all fill a specific role that is hard to improve on.

The game is streamlined better, and much more fun to play. Coins are handed out en masse, so theres no need to try and cherry pick items to give to classmates. Theres a casino to play DRs minigames whenever you want to make even more money. Speaking of which, the minigames tutorials actually make a slight bit of sense this time. Anyone whos played DR2 knows that the tutorials are completely fucking useless in that game.

Then, once youre done with the main game, they actually have other game modes that are worth your time. Instead of arbitrarily playing a dumb resource-gathering minigame in order to keep spending time with the students, theres a dating reality show-style game where the interactions between students are front-and-center. Which is cool, but the real meat of the post-game lies in the Ultimate Talent Development Plan and the Despair Dungeon.

The Development Plan lets you select a character from any of the three games, and play a board game where you have 3 years to accrue as many stats and useful abilities as you can. Through these 3 years, you get to see several interactions between characters that never wouldve met in the canon series timeline that make up a lot of memorable scenes. Once you finish the board game, you take your built-up characters, create a party of 4 Ultimates, and then go through the Despair Dungeon, a 2D dungeon crawler with turn-based RPG battles and bosses every 10 floors. The further you can get in Despair Dungeon, the better base characters you get access to for the Development Plan mode. Then you take the new, better characters back into the board game, accrue better stats and abilities, and go back into the dungeon to try and go even further and get all the best units. Its a very addictive game loop, and Im a bit embarrassed to say that Ive spent an absurd amount of time 100%ing this mode twice over.

But I digress. The real reason this game is up here is because of the story. I fucking loooooved going through this game for the first time. Danganronpa has some killer starting cases, but 3-1 manages to still blow the other two completely out of the water. I dropped everything I was holding. 3-2 is pretty solid, and kept me guessing for most of the trial, which is something half the cases in the series dont manage to do. 3-3 has perhaps the greatest buildup to a mid-game case in the entire series. It doesnt capitalize on literally anything it builds up, but at least the pre-trial is fun. As is the case with the other games, the 4th case is where the game ramps everything up, and I will admit that 3-4 made me cry my first time through. 3-5 is also stellar, but 3-6 is when everything comes to a head. As I said in my intro, I actually hated this trial my first time through, but its become one of my favorite parts of the series over time. Its also one of my favorite sections to watch other people experience for the first time. I just wish it didnt drag on so long.
Xbox GT/PSN name/Nintendo ID: TatteredUniform