Board 8 #sports Discord Ranks Their Top 100 Video Games Finale: THE TOP 10

Board 8

10.) Final Fantasy IV (SNES, 1991)

Time for my first favorite game of all time - we all have to start somewhere, with that game that blows all the others away and show you what gaming really could be to you. And for me there is just nothing better than the story that Final Fantasy IV takes you on in the first 10 or so hours of the game.

Introducing your character and Baron and from the beginning you can sense something is off. Despite wanting to be on the side of Cecil and Kain, the music is pretty sinister. Imperial march-y. As you execute a couple quick missions it becomes startlingly clear - we are the bad guys. This is driven home with our bombing of mist, a village whose sin appears to be their descendance from summoners, which thus makes them a threat to Baron. But, Rydia survives and Cecil has a change of heart. He cannot kill Rydia. Which means he cannot continue to work for Baron. This begins his slow campaign of redemption - and the first of many betrayals from the un-relentingly jealous Kain. Mt Ordeals is just the best sequence in a JRPG I can think of because you climb the mountain and easily dispatch all the enemies with Cecils broken Dark Knight powers and then in inverse where Palom and Porom bail you out as your dark knight powers are suddenly useless against the undead Elemental Lord, Scormiglione. And then you come down Mt Ordeal, having to level back up from one, the choice to become good making you so weak in the short term, having to rely on the twins to save yourself and go confront Baron...and augh its so fucking good

Unlike most people, there is not a single character I dislike in FFIV. I like the twins, I like Tellah and Edward and their little story (which in a lot of odd ways is mirrored in the Hope/Snow dynamic I like so much in FFXIII), I think Cid P rules and that Yang is a bad ass the way he jumps off that airship. The game uses dynamic situations to keep the party changed up and fresh throughout the game, which I think is an underratedly cool way to handle having a cast larger than 4 characters and it does so in ways that make more sense narratively than the ways used in Final Fantasy 2.

The game also features really cool plot beats with the hollow world, Rubicantes big ass tower, the 4 elemental lords of evil and their bad ass song. It also spawned some of my favorite meme-y youtube videos and songs from hyadain, like this masterpiece:

Sure its also famous for the bait and switch final boss thing, but it basically INVENTED it, so I can forgive it more in this case. FFIV was my #1 favorite game for a good long time, only 9 ever have surpassed it for me. Stay tuned to see which ones.
Board 8's Voice of Reason