Board 8 #sports Discord Ranks Their Top 100 Video Games Finale: THE TOP 10

Board 8

#10 - Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair (VITA, my GotY for 2014)

It suuuuuuuure is! And for those of you keeping track at home, this marks the second VITA game to appear on my list out of four. VITA has somehow managed 3 of my top 10 games, and the one that wasnt was #23. It may not have quantity, but it sure has quality.

Anyway, Danganronpa is such a cool concept. In every single game, a weird, evil bear named Monokuma traps 15 or 16 high school students in a closed environment, and will only allow them to escape if they are able to murder one of their classmates and get away with it in the subsequent class trial. If the murderer gets caught, they will be executed, but if they get away with it, they alone will be allowed to escape, while everyone else is then executed. The player takes the role of one of the students, and has to do their best to try and survive the ordeal to the end, by solving all the murders, complete with a comic book-style ending to each one.

If only the team behind the series had the slightest idea how to make a game fun, Danganronpa could have been a truly ascendent franchise. The groundwork for something outrageously engrossing is set in place, but every time any of the games attempts to actually engage with the player, it fails in just about every way imaginable. If they ever stumble upon a game mechanic that isnt a pain in the ass in one game, just wait until the next game, and theyll ruin it somehow. Even the main mechanic of finding holes in classmates testimonies is tarnished by having to aim your Truth Bullets at the statements in real time, and if you miss, you have to start the testimony from the fucking beginning, wasting several seconds of your valuable time.

List of minigames in the series that are actively fun to play:
Logic Dive

. thats it, thats the list. There are several minigames that I consider inoffensive, but these games came out in the 2010s and we should really hold a higher standard for minigames than well I didnt hate it.

But for real, fuck all that, lets talk about the goooood shit, and Danganronpas concept is just way too fucking strong for it to be held down by simply not being a fun game. Its about so much more than that. By that I mean having all your favorite waifus fall into despair and kill their friends. Thats really what everyone wants to see, and Danganronpa 2 pulls that off better than anything else. Before we get to that, lets talk a bit about the elephants in the room, namely the other two games.
Xbox GT/PSN name/Nintendo ID: TatteredUniform