The Board 8 Discord Sports Chat Rank Their Top 100 Respective Video Games part 3

Board 8

14. Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (PS2, 2004)

Starting with GTA III, Rockstars flagship series was outstanding with its flexible, sandbox-y world and gameplay and the marriage of crafty and dark humor wrapped up in a compelling period-piece crime tale full of biting social commentary. Coming off of two entries that I included in my Top 100, expectations were sky-high for San Andreas, and boy did they deliver.

Mission structure took a big step forward with more complex objectives, additional layers, and milking the limited capabilities of what the player can do to provide a relatively robust and varied collection of missions. Aiding in that was a different approach to its world than the series had been known for. While still primarily an urban game, they introduced forested and desert environments that were honestly refreshing even if they werent as detailed as their city counterpart. Even the cities had a lot more elevation and twists and turns given the real-world environments these were loosely based on. I still have fond memories of driving through Vinewood (based on Hollywood).

Because of the expanded efforts to the setting, the world is significantly larger than earlier entries. In a lesser game/series, that would be to its detriment due to the sheer time it can take to get from Point A to Point B and the lack of checkpoints if something goes wrong. Given the wide array of radio options full of hilarious talk radio and licensed period-accurate genre-based stations, the tangible differences and little secrets of the environment types, and the sheer joy of inciting or simply witnessing impromptu chaos makes any lengthy drive more than worth the time.

They threw a lot of things at the wall in this game, both novel and of substance. Most of it stuck, but stuff like meaningful skill progression, atrophy-based regression included, were misfires. Still, this might be the crowning achievement on one of gamings greatest series. I really need to play V more and beat it.
KCF can't actually be a real person but he is - greengravy
If you smell what the rock is cooking he's cooking crap - ertyu