The Board 8 Discord Sports Chat Rank Their Top 100 Respective Video Games part 3

Board 8

#23 - Hot Shots Golf: World Invitational - (VITA, my GotY for 2011)

World Invitational is my favorite entry of my favorite golf series ever, so it makes sense that it would be my top golf game on my list. Also my first VITA game to pop up. For those that remember at the beginning, I shared that my list had 4 of those, so they are definitely overperforming.

World Invitational is Hot Shots Golf at its very best. The single-player is the most extensive the series has ever had, up until Everybodys Golf for PS4. There were tons of challenges to take on, and each had a bonus incentive to do something else inside them to earn you crowns that will unlock new characters and courses. It had 9 diverse courses to play on, that all looked absolutely gorgeous on VITA, and it was the most recent entry to still have unique characters instead of create-a-guys, and Ive always loved the cartoony style of HSG.

But the meat really came with its online functionality for me, and it was a very simple and obvious addition that changed it all. They introduced daily tournaments. You could turn the game on any time of the day, head to the online section, and there would be a round available with various different conditions that you could compete with everyone else around the world in.

You got one shot, and if you blew it, then well, better luck next time. It doesnt run into the same problem Mario Golf World Tour did 4 years later, where players would play the same round over and over for days in a row, hoping to play the round of their life so they could get a high score. In World Invitational, it was a pure competition of skill, and it was really fun (and a lot of the time, humbling) to see where you stacked up against the best players out there, and it kept me coming back day after day for years to keep trying.

Oh, and Gloria is best girl forever.
Xbox GT/PSN name/Nintendo ID: TatteredUniform