The Board 8 Discord Sports Chat Rank Their Top 100 Respective Video Games part 3

Board 8

#30 Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (Playstation 2, 2004)

"Ah shhiit, here we go again."

One of the most well-known quotes from a very quotable game, but it actually doesn't do a great job at describing San Andreas. Because no matter what you are doing in this game, it's often going to be something that you haven't already done.

After 3 and Vice City, Rockstar was ready to push the GTA formula to the limit. Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas keeps everything that is great about previous entries and then also introduces like a million more things. The scope is expanded to multiple cities and a vast countryside. New RPG-like systems include fitness, costumes, weapon and combat skills, car upgrades, driving proficiency, and more. There are more activities and vehicles and minigames. The graphics are better and the story is more intricate. From a feature perspective, it blew every other open world action game away and nothing could come close for years. And the world was so big at the time! No loading screens or anything while you drive from one city to another... it was just incredible.

San Andreas continued Rockstar's storytelling evolution from simple parody to more serious and well-written narratives. Although GTA will probably always be satirical to a point, and this game can be as silly at points as any other game in the series, CJ's story feels a lot more real than that of previous GTA protagonists. The voice performances from a lot of big Hollywood names are mostly solid as well.

Of course, it would not be a GTA game without bullshit missions that made me want to tear my hair out. The stupid RC plane missions with David Cross, the Catalina stuff, and some of the stuff with the real planes. A lot of stuff in Las Venturas, although I might have just been getting a little tired of the game by that point. It comes with the territory in GTA, it seems. They throw a ton of stuff at the wall and not all of it sticks. But it's easily forgiven because the wealth of quality content that fills the rest of the game more than makes up for it. And at least we who made it through can commiserate about it all.

And of course the classic open world jank, can't get enough of that.
At least your mother tipped well