The Board 8 Discord Sports Chat Rank Their Top 100 Respective Video Games part 3

Board 8

just moving my last 2 writeups to here

Some UC4 through the entire review, Id skip it if you intend to play the game.

#34. Uncharted 4: A Thiefs End (PS4, 2016)
After 3 games of the same basic idea of a plot, Drake wants treasure, then wants to stop evil badperson from exploiting said treasure for evil. Finally we get a story that explores a (somewhat) more real side of things. While its still ludicrous treasure at the end of the day, for one, theres no ridiculous mythical powers at bay (though they tease it a bit), andwhile I dont need that one way or the other, I appreciate the more mature approach the story has gradually taken over the games, from full on phantom ancient powers in 1 and 2, to just a hallucination of such in 3, to nothing whatsoever in 4. That it was nice to see they can tell a story without relying on that. The real enemy was the greed of the pirates who had this treasure. Drakes progression here is that after having given up the life, he gets drawn back in to save his brother (well-told in the past cutscenes with them as kidsthis game has a lot more slow/story points which is a little meh-paced, but they are still enjoyable), because hes finally learned the personal risks that come with it and like killing a million people but they dont touch on this one. It winds up being kind of frustrating that Drake keeps all this a secret from Elena, you think hed know this shit by now, but at least we can see he regrets this, learns, grows over the story. Its not especially deep but its certainly deeper than weve ever seen Drake, knowing that from the opening of the game, how he tries to balance missing that stuff with trying to be settled. I liked that segment, finding old relics from past games as he reminisces and Crash Bandicoot! But come on man, Elena supported you just tell her youre gonna go offto save your brother younever told her or us about. Sam essentially taking the place of Drake in the boisterous, treasure-before-all guy works as Drakes adventures are largely tied to his desires and his faked story that he needs the treasure for his life. Sam is not really a great character though.

As for the game, its more fleshed out gameplay wise. The stealth actually works well for once as theres a dedicated system to it now as opposed to just eh maybe you can sneak up on someone. Its not perfect, but its finally at least a polished something. Its fun and works well and you canreally make greater use of stealth than in the past games. The set pieces on the whole arent as fantastical as the other 3 games, but it really hits high notes in scenery and graphics, and still has a bunch of great segments. The truck chase sequence that begins with the drive down through the town on the hill in the ATV and finishes up with being dragged along by a rope in a high-speed chase is the best action segment of the game. The views from the top of towers you get to are the best in the series. The open area in the ATV is pretty neat and different for Uncharted, and served as the basis for Lost Legacy, which was a fun game. The island area with the boat is somewhat open too, and makes for good optional exploration for more story and treasures. The auction house is a fun area too for story/environment.

The final fight, I guess the best in a series not known for its final bosses is good,but mostly because it just looks so good. Being on the burning pirate ship, surrounded by gold, and a simple sword fight with a crazed man with nothing to lose works great thematically. The fight itself is pretty annoying on tougher difficulties. But its very well-presented.

In all, this game has the best all-around story of the 4, if not the most action-oriented, has the best combat, and hey its about the graphics too and this game just looks and sounds great. The ending is very satisfying and is a great conclusion to the series. Now bring me the Sully and Sam side game

Oh also the multiplayer is really fucking good but we know this already and I may have to say more about it later

Next Up: The best overall soundtrack on my list.
~Wigs~ 3-Time Consecutive Fantasy B8 Baseball Champion