just finished rise of skywalker. that was awesome. (spoilers)

Board 8

I rewatched Return of the Jedi when Disney+ came out and yeah, that helped get my feelings settled about the franchise. The movie is just not good, even though the throne room scene was still incredible. I can't call it a good installment as a whole though, which changed what my previous opinions on the series was: "At least the original trilogy was good."

Also, it was really hard to watch that ending where everybody is celebrating and happy that the Empire's been defeated knowing that in 30 years everything in the galaxy is going to be more miserable than ever and that pretty much all my favorite characters are going to die pointlessly with every victory they've made becoming worthless. That's why I really hate these soft reboot sequels. Couldn't we just have had a brand new story for the sequel trilogy? So that the original story could simply rest in piece?
Okay, I rolled a 14. What's that mean? Hsu
That you're a cheater. This is a 12-sided die. Chan