The Board 8 Discord Sports Chat Ranks Their Top 100 Respective VIDEO Games pt. 2

Board 8

Final HM: Dragon Quest Heroes: Rocket Slime (DS, 2006)

What an absurdly fun and ridiculous game! I am so sad that we never got the third game that featured ships instead of tanks.

DQH: Rocket Slime was a hybrid genre game. It was part action-adventure where you went through standard levels attacking enemies and sending items or even enemies on rail cars back to your base. Don't get me wrong, those portions of the game were fun and silly as you attacked by flinging yourself at enemies and watching them go flying and bouncing off of things or throwing objects that you carry on top of your head. However, that is not what made the game special. It was the surprisingly deep RTS tank battles that made the game stand out like it did.

These have two massive tanks pitted against one another. You can attack by throwing objects that you found throughout the game into cannons to launch at the other tank. Launchable items have all sorts of different effects, so it is imperative that you decide on your pre-fight ammunition inventory seriously or it could spell immediate doom for you. You can also launch crew mates to land on the opposing tank to attack cannons, enemy crew mates, and other stuff to hinder your opponent. You can even, and most likely have to, launch yourself. There are various levels to a tank, each housing cannons, enemies, and other stuff you can destroy. Once any tank reaches 0 HP, the fight isn't over. At this time, the tank's engine becomes exposed on the inside, and that means that no matter how either side got to that point, the final attack must be done on foot. In the more evenly contested matches, both sides could be scrambling to attack the opposing engine at the same time, leading to some thrilling finishes. I've had my fair share of close wins and losses.

I acutally had totally forgotten what the point of the game was. Apparently it was to rescue slimes. Whatever, tank battles rule.
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