The Board 8 Discord Sports Chat Ranks Their Top 100 Respective VIDEO Games pt. 2

Board 8

HMs: Max Payne and Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne (Xbox, 2001, 2003)

Remedy Entertainment has put together quite the impressive resume. They may be known to most people as the company behind Control and the Alan Wake games, but their two Max Payne games are my favorite works from them.

Stylish third-person shooters, the Remedy-era Max Payne games had the best video game use of bullet-time up to that point, and it never got old. As the screenshot shows, it can lead to some ridiculously over-the-top outcomes. You would think then that it would just be your run-of-the-mill, high-octane romp, but you'd be mistaken. The Max Payne matched the gameplay with a neo-noir tale about a cynical, self-pitying former detective full of religious and mythlogical overtones and a flair for dark comedic timing. Beyond the gameplay and world-building, what helps sell the game is the excellent inner monologue done by Max's voice actor James McCaffrey.

I actually didn't play them for the first time until around 2010, so I feel pretty confident that I would still hold the games in high regard if I played them again now.
KCF can't actually be a real person but he is - greengravy
If you smell what the rock is cooking he's cooking crap - ertyu