The Board 8 Discord Sports Chat Ranks Their Top 100 Respective VIDEO Games pt. 2

Board 8

#58 - Mario Kart 8 (Wii U, 2014)

Mario Kart is one of the most consistent series in videogame history. I played all of them as they came out, and only one of them has failed to dominate my free time over the following few weeks, and that wasnt the games fault. It was because The World Ends With You came out at basically the same time as Mario Kart Wii.

But it was Mario Kart 8 that elevated it all to the next level, and its mostly due to the addition of gravity-defying sideways and upside-down segments. This leads to some of the best-designed racing courses ever made. And they all look fantastic to boot. To this day, Mario Kart 8 is still one of the most pleasing games to look at. AND it feels great to play! Some of the items are really good, but none of them are completely overbearing, and it almost never leads to an overly frustrating finish, like Mario Kart Wii was famous for. If you are the best Mario Kart player in a group, you are going to win most of the time. But not ALL of the time, which is the perfect balance between skill and luck for a Mario Kart game.

It also had maybe the best online of any Nintendo game. By which I mean to say it was actually mostly worked. Thats more than I can say about 95% of their other attempts to provide online functionality! And that was enough for me to play with Board 8 a lot! And realize I wasnt the hot shit I thought I was! Fuck you Ermine. Fuck you Grand Kirby.
Xbox GT/PSN name/Nintendo ID: TatteredUniform