The Board 8 Discord Sports Chat Ranks Their Top 100 Respective VIDEO Games pt. 2

Board 8

62.) Yakuza 4 (2010, PS3)

So my issue with Yakuza as a series is that for the most part, I don't find the playing of a Yakuza to be all that interesting to me and I especially don't really find the main character, Kazama Kiryu, to be all that great. I mean he's fine and all but he's just kinda the Gary Stu of everything that's going on and it gets pretty old.

Yakuza 4 completely fixes this problem with its first protagonist that you play as being unexpectedly kind loan shark, Akiyama and this completely captured me because he is far more compelling and fun from my perspective. I enjoyed doing all of the typical Yakuza things with no vigor since they were happening with him. The Yakuza mini-games are all really compelling and major part of what makes the games so much fun.

The other protagonists you play as all have completely different fighting styles and personalities and things, making the game keep some level of novelty the whole way through as you switch perspectives several times leading up to the big finish.

Hey if nothing else, this gamei s a great shogi and mahjong simulator.
Board 8's Voice of Reason