The Board 8 Discord Sports Chat Ranks Their Top 100 Respective VIDEO Games pt. 2

Board 8

63.) Castlevania Order of Ecclesia DS

I love this game for taking the Castlevania playstyle and kinda shattering the mold, opening up a whole new way of handling weapons and subweapons as you play through a crisis where Dracula has returned but the Belmonts have not.

You play as Shanoa and you use the secrets of your order and their glyph tattoos in order to find novel power combinations that can help you challenge dracula's castle. This moddability provides ways to keep things fresh as a player the whole way through. The only annoyance is often you'd need to grind certain enemies to get new glyphs which was always annoying.

The various endings were cool too, as was the option to play as evil gun boy once you beat the game once.

Board 8's Voice of Reason