The Board 8 Discord Sports Chat Ranks Their Top 100 Respective VIDEO Games pt. 2

Board 8

64.) Warcraft 2 (1996, PC)

i have had a rocky relationship with Warcraft over the years. But I was super intensely into Warcraft: Orcs and Humans, even as simple as it was and so this was my first hype game release I can remember really getting up for and it didn't disappoint. Warcraft 2 ran like a silky smooth, more in depth version of Warcraft and the opening up of its world and lore was at the time something that really blew me away.

As time went on and WoW happening I have grown less enamored with Warcraft as a whole, but this game still mostly holds up, even if most people seem to prefer its sequel.

Warcraft classic style release when?
Board 8's Voice of Reason