The Board 8 Discord Sports Chat Ranks Their Top 100 Respective VIDEO Games pt. 2

Board 8

65.) Fallout 3 (PS3, 2008)

Fallout 3 was really the first Western Style RPG that I had gotten into that was in this style. And it got its hooks into me good. The whole aesthetic with the cold war music and propaganda mixed with the silver age comics style super science and the corporate pleasantness was all very much in my groove at that time.

The gameplay was fun (though shooting manually was a folly, VATS was actually pretty cool and i'm not much of a shooter person anyway), the story had some incredible beats like well, everything at Megaton and the happenings at the rich hoighty toighty apartment homes on down to the visceral reaction I have as a person who loves DC when I see it in its post apocalyptic state.

And then of course...Liberty Prime. Fuck yeah.
Board 8's Voice of Reason