The Board 8 Discord Sports Chat Ranks Their Top 100 Respective VIDEO Games pt. 2

Board 8

66.) Pokemon Stadium 2 (N64, 2001)

Pokemon Stadium 2 was fucking great. The ability to port in your pokemon from RBY/GSC to do battles on the big screen was something that felt revolutionary at the time but more for me personally after RBY I grew to resent the "campaigns" in Pokemon, preferring the surprising depth that exists in the battling to it by quite a lot, so the ability to get to go in depth with the 2nd gen of pokemon without having to do with GSC what I did with my copy of Red was a real gamechanger for me and I actually didn't bother finishing Pokemon Gold until I replayed it as HeartGold much later.

But the real prize here was the minigames to me - they were really fun like Mario Party level mini games but with pokemon! All in all one of the N64 party night true double threats AND a great way to play the only good part of pokemon. Really sucks they haven't put out a new one in so long.
Board 8's Voice of Reason