The Board 8 Discord Sports Chat Ranks Their Top 100 Respective VIDEO Games pt. 2

Board 8

68.) Deja Vu (NES, 1990)

A classic text based adventure game and one of my favorites. It came to my attention via slowbeef way back in the day but I ended up stopping my watch through of him playing it, went to ebay, bought the cart and tried the game for myself and to my surprise - while the text has a real edge to it that it makes it easy to make fun of and be amused by the actual central mystery to this game is worthwhile and good!

You are Ace Harding - or so says your ID - and you wake up with no memory in a bathroom with a dead body in the next room and an enormous woman in the trunk of your car. So the early part of the game is trying to figure out who you are, what even in the broadest sense happened and who the dead guy is and then work from there to try and find who did this to you.

As a result of the amnesia at play the clues all take on a different meaning once your character gets his memory back leading seeming dead ends to open up with new avenues to explore.

All in all, this is a really fun game, especially for how early it came and it mostly holds up even today (aside from the random ways you can die)
Board 8's Voice of Reason