Did anyone try Super Meat Boy Forever?

Board 8

I really loved the original Super Meat Boy. 100%ed it twice (or was it 106%?)
But I really don't know if I should play SMBF. All I hear about it are bad things

Being a auto runner is kind of disappointing but not a deal breaker for me. I thought Super Mario Run was fun (mostly thanks to supreb level design, like Nintendo is always known for) and the Rayman Mobile games (Rayman Jungle Run and Rayman Fiesta Run)

But the deal breaker is the auto generated level design..in theory
Super Meat Boy level design was perfect. Every level was unique in it's own way. The enjoyment came from practicing the level and perfecting it. I don't believe this is something that can happen in a auto generated level design...

So for people that played it, how is the game? did it bother you?
