Oh hey Shadowlands launched.

Board 8

I've been soloing my way through Twisting Corridors! Finished layer 4 last night. Not sure if I'll be able to solo all the way through, I hope so though.

I cannot solo regular Torghast wings past layer 5...but in TC, I have way more time to get my build set up... so I might be able to do it.

I loved Torghast at first, but aspects are definitely annoying me, especially in Twisting Corridors:

  • Obviously, each layer is waaaay too long (2.5 hrs each time for me).
  • There really aren't that many different powers. It feels like there are about 50. Yet, when I finish a TC run, I have about 100. So I'm making pretty much the same build every time, with slightly different stack counts, and maybe 1 different Epic power than last time, and 2 the same.
  • By the time I finish a TC run, the anima powers go off the screen, and I can't scroll to see them all.
  • The Mort'regar theme only has like...5 different floors, it feels like? The better themes are the ones where they just have simple hallways and randomly connect them, feels more interesting to explore.
  • It seems the only correct strategy in TC is to find unbeatable high-damage combos, so you can kill the last boss in <20 seconds. But often, you have to just guess whether a combo will actually work or not--you have to guess the order of operations behind the math. Pretty annoying when the math doesn't work how you thought.
  • At least for my class, I only really can see 1 really good damage combo, so I kinda just go for that every time. Doesn't feel like a roguelike, more like a puzzle that I've solved already.

That being said, I'm still generally enjoying it. It's not a fascinating roguelike , but it's an interesting slightly randomized puzzly-combat-challenge in the context of an MMO, and that's pretty cool.

(Because I'm hilarious, I crafted the Torghast legendary +25% phantasma and have been using it for TC. It's pretty fun. Not amazingly useful, but it's ok.)
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