Oh hey Shadowlands launched.

Board 8

i don't trust any these factions

i don't trust the angel nazi's. the archon and her blind faith in their ideals is crazy. Angel Nazi Uther and his teacher are the craziest of all

I don't trust that that druid either. He swore he would protect Ursoc and his grove. Then one chat with his queen and he's all "aight take his energy. I'll protect this world for my queen, I swear it". Yeah, I've heard that line before buddy.

Draka seems to think she's the hottest shit in the afterlife and trusts this new lord she joined after her bros already betrayed her. As if this new lord didn't orchestrate the whole thing.

Honestly, I think i trust the smug anima vampire over these people.

I wonder if the jailer is hiring...
The batman villians all seem to be one big joke that batman refuses to laugh at - SantaRPG