How confident are you about the election tomorrow compared to 2016?

Board 8

i had been trawling dark corners of the internet in 2016, so i wasn't exceptionally surprised by the result. rather, just darkly disappointed.

i'm more confident in a biden victory in 2020 because the state-by-state polling actually adds up. in 2016 everybody just kept blabbing about the popular vote polls. i kept looking at state polls going 'how do people get a clinton victory from this ?'

Tomorrow, biden has to lose every single coin flip state, plus one state that he's currently up by 5 percentage points or more, in order to lose the election. I'm not confident, but the current estimates of 75% sound very fair
You did indeed stab me in the back. However, you are only level one, whilst I am level 50. That means I should remain uninjured.